Category Archives: Species Library

Pinellas County Dredging 2018: Boats, Tractors, Sifter, and Tubing

It’s July 1st, 2018 today; county, state, and federal tax dollars are officially being used to create beaches on private beachfront property because of the recent passage of a bill that overrides local customary use policies on the beaches. It’s hard to believe so much money can be going into the pockets of private beachfront property. Monitoring your government’s uses of power isn’t the worst idea.  At least you can understand what’s going on, and make informed decisions about the few things you do have control over.

Cold Front, June 06, 10:30am, 4pm, 6pm, & Sunset, w/ Longboarding video

Continue reading Cold Front, June 06, 10:30am, 4pm, 6pm, & Sunset, w/ Longboarding video

Honeymoon Island Beach Renourishment: He wants more, don’t give it to him!

The t-groins are a bad idea, and encouraging this rate of sand loss by throwing more money at it is an even worse idea.   Unfortunately, the groins just can’t hold sand. The water flow around and over them washes away the sand. These things are plain and simply the worst possible solution to the erosion problem at Honeymoon Island.

Take a close look at the sea grapes and sabal palms (state tree) from before the dredge in 2014, then take a look at the pictures of what’s left of those same trees in Spring 2018.  Continue reading Honeymoon Island Beach Renourishment: He wants more, don’t give it to him!