Category Archives: Species Library

Honeymoon Island State Park is About to Become Two Islands!

Honeymoon Island has for many years had a nice long beach you could walk along just north of the furthest most parking lot. You could walk the full length of the island all the way down to the northern tip where a nice white sandy sanctuary awaits. Somewhat recently, the beach to walk along has completely disappeared. And more shocking than that, the rapidly deteriorating island is Continue reading Honeymoon Island State Park is About to Become Two Islands!

A Moth

This little creature measures about 1 inch long. Its coloration is a pattern designed around the branches and trunks of trees, a brownish tree branch pattern. It’s camouflaged so that it can hide from its predators. They won’t sting you. They are attracted to the lights around your home at night time. If you squish them, they can be kind of messy. They are food for some birds. Despite being somewhat of a bug or an insect they are really more like butterflies, a rather beautiful creature.

They Lied To You – There’s No More Left – T-groins Are Ineffective

This is a gallery showing the little sand left at Honeymoon Island State Park since the dredge/fill beach renourishment, and t-groins were added. Conceptually, these rock t-groins, which were actually experimentally tried here first in the county, were supposed to be holding sand on the south side of the groin. The sand was also supposed to be transplanted to the area in front of the Cafe at Honeymoon Island. That means, in the pictures from the gallery, there’s supposed to be sand in front of the parking lot where you see water almost washing away the parking lot, at the end of the boardwalk were the water is washing under the boardwalk, and on the south side of the groin in general. There isn’t. The idea is that there be a beach for people to use. Of course, Florida is made of sand, so there will always be sand here. On the low tide you will always see sand. When we talk about beach we’re talking about the part where the high tide doesn’t touch. You can see from the pictures there isn’t any beach left. The parking lot will soon be dismantled like it was at the north lot years ago. The irrational idea that these t-groins are working is just absolutely absurd, and anyone who suggests it to you is out of their mind.

Low Pressure Spring Surf Continues (w/8:30pm gallery)

This is Mine (updated 7:30pm)

Well, believe it or not, the surf’s up again. These pictures were taken on the mid-outgoing. The air is comfortable right now with the moderate south breeze. The water is comfortable, too. As the tide drops out even further there is a chance the surf could get bigger and better.

Alligator Mating Season in May 2018

It’s that time of year again! It’s alligator mating season! This is the time of year to keep small dogs on a leash and pay close attention to what’s in the ponds or swamps near your home. Alligators have been rumored to be more agressive during this time of year, and certainly would be hungry from all the energy they use while mating. Still, there aren’t too many stories of people being attacked by these 7 footers. Mating commonly takes place in small ponds like this one. In years past we’ve even seen baby alligators hiding in the drainage ditch nearby. Mating season starts around the middle of April when courtship begins. Mating typically takes place in May or June. These two appear to be trying to have little baby gators.  See for yourself. You can also read more about alligator procreation on the FWC website.