Category Archives: Species Library

Surf’s Up Surf Report: 5:30pm, Thursday at Treasure Island

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The Surf’s Up Surf Report :

Beach re-nourishment continues on the long time surf spot Upham, a spot that was once a point-like wave that wrapped around the artificial structure in place to hold up the touristy building’s proclaimed front yard. Sand being pulled from offshore is being pumped into the beaches. Rocks are being piled up on the beach around a rock placeholder.  It’s a beach project like no other. Only like the previously identical one at Honeymoon Island, of course. What should you think of all this? Continue reading Surf’s Up Surf Report: 5:30pm, Thursday at Treasure Island

The Dwindling Vaquita Porpoise Population; On The Brink of Extinction

The Vaquita porpoise is nearly extinct, now only living in the upper portion of the northern Gulf of California, Mexico, mostly within the Colorado River delta.

Bycatch is the number one threat to marine mammals.    Worldwide, estimates of over 650,000 marine mammals perish each year as a result Continue reading The Dwindling Vaquita Porpoise Population; On The Brink of Extinction

Dawn Patrolling Sand Key Park Gallery

Willet 4
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Surfing with Dolphins at Honeymoon Island

This evening at the end of February while catching waves after a little cold front came through the area, we witnessed some unusually breathtaking sights. The glassy surf was nice, and unusual, but the things that made this session epic were the combination of dolphins swimming nearly within touching distance, a sunset lighting the clouds with a full palate of colors, and the light from the setting sun combining with the mist in the sky to create a rainbow. It was one of the best days of the winter.

What’s Happening with Goliath Grouper?

The tasty goliath grouper has been prohibited as a fish to be harvested or possessed in state and federal waters since 1990. Some people think goliath grouper are at a point where they can be harvested. This massive fish has become highly prevalent in the waters of the Gulf.  Tampa Bay goliath grouper have had an especially high increase in abundance Continue reading What’s Happening with Goliath Grouper?

Recent Decision to Reclassify the Manatee

The once sparse manatee has reached a population denisty to neccesitate the reclassification from endangered to threatened.  The US Fish and Wildlife Service made the announcement on March 30th, 2017.  The official decision Continue reading Recent Decision to Reclassify the Manatee