Category Archives: Species Library
Tourism Is Hurting Our Endangered Species
There’s an unfortunate reality that you’re being led away from. The idea that the community is trying to do things to ensure the success of our wildlife is an errant belief. The idea that the government is trying to ensure a similar outcome is also false. The hotels and tourism industry are cooperatively creating propaganda to promote the idea, the belief that these entities actually are working towards the success of our wildlife.
The unfortunate reality is they aren’t doing a lot to actually protect our wildlife.
One example of this is the hotels on the beach lack of concern for nesting turtles in the summer. The city and county are taking part in the devastating effects of overpopulating the beaches during a phase of the day when nesting is likely. Early in the morning chairs are going out on the beaches. Deep into sunset we have people crowding the beaches. Sea turtles and nesting birds aren’t stupid. They are aware of the lack of concern people have for their well-being. They steer clear of people of the beaches. They have a stupid tourist meter that guides them. They know the principles of psychology that people in groups are not likely to help those in need. Our wildlife is being adversely affected by the decisions people are making.
It’s unfortunate there isn’t more concern for our community. We need leaders who can take care of our natural resources. We need people who can focus on what matters here, and get done what needs to get done.
Evening Sunset
Sunset on July 5, 2022
Spring Break At Clearwater Beach
Beach’in It Up
Goliath Reopening
I just heard from a friend that goliath are reopening. He reposted something that talked about it a little bit. It said the fish are reopening in 2023 at the earliest. The licenses will be awarded by random lottery to those who pay a small addtional fee on their license. Once selected they are saying there will be an additional 500 dollar fee for the specific goliath grouper tag allowing 20-36 inchers to be harvested. They’ve been talking about it since at least 2017. I guess it’s finally coming to fruition.