What was Tropical Storm Harvey no longer has a closed center of circulation and is considered a tropical wave. It’s currently a 1008 mb low, which means the low associated with the wave isn’t very strong. It’s headed across Central America tonight. After moving over open waters of the Gulf of Mexico on Tuesday it will encounter favorable environmental conditions. Over the next two days it has a 70% chance of becoming a tropical cyclone. It’s likely to reorganize into a tropical depression. West Florida could get a little wave if the storm gets strong enough and takes enough of a northerly track. 35 knot winds in the farthest western part of the gulf could send us a knee to waist high groundswell on Saturday or Sunday. Texas is forecast to get peak surf between 3 and 5 feet around Friday associated with moderate onshore winds and tropical depression conditions. Saturday should have strong side offshore wind with solid surf in southern Texas and strong onshore winds north of the low.