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QS Competitor Rodrigo Cahu

Rodrigo Cahu managed some tricky sections with power and grace on his Brazilian shaped MR surfboard.  Rodrigo is entered in the Qualifying Series event at Cocoa Beach (a QS 1000), the Ron Jon Vans Pro.  This is the only QS event in Florida. He is currently seeded in round 80. If he keeps surfing like he did when we shot this video, he is sure to smoke the competition. If you get over for this contest root him on. Continue reading QS Competitor Rodrigo Cahu

Clearwater’s Cold Stunned Sea Turtles

          A Sea Turtle is an air breathing reptile who lives and thrives in the Gulf of Mexico, not to mention the waters all over the world.   The turtle is a large shelled creature who uses it’s shell as protection for its soft body.  The shell is made up of many bones covered with horny scales, also known as scoots.  They have no teeth, but very strong jaws.  There are seven species of endangered sea turtles, the green turtle, hawksbill, leatherback, loggerhead, olive ridley, Kemp’s ridley, and flatback.  The majority of these species of sea turtle are found in the waters off Florida.  Only the olive ridley and flatback are not. Sea turtles grow very slowly, and live for decades.

Continue reading Clearwater’s Cold Stunned Sea Turtles

Rodrigo Cahu at The Key


Continue reading Rodrigo Cahu at The Key