Despite all the destruction, there was one survivor.
All posts by Raymond Hess
First Cold Ftont Of Winter 2023-2024
The first cold front of the season is sliding through today. I had hoped it would be a little stronger. The first one isn’t usually much to talk about. The waves don’t look rideable on the cams I checked. We’re transitioning into wetsuit and consistent surf season!
Snook are in Season
Tried to get on the water today. Snook season is open apparently. My two stroke ran out of motor oil, and the fish camp didn’t have any motor oil, nor did “the resort.” It turned out to be a decent day just chatting it up with the doctor of fish, Capt. Hud. Some nice people gave me pilchards, I just couldn’t get much use out of them with a boat that wouldn’t get up on plane. Some days are like that I guess.