Category Archives: West Florida

Frame Grabs from a Swell at the End of March on the Gulf Coast.

Places to Surf Along the Gulf Coast

When you consider that the nature of the coast is all the same, white sand beaches for miles and miles, you might develop an ill conceived belief that all surf spots are created equal; that just isn’t the case.  There are many spots, and all break differently under a variety of environmental conditions. One thing’s for sure, along the gulf coast you can find some super fun beach breaks. Continue reading Places to Surf Along the Gulf Coast

Hollow Sand Key Park in the Winter

Sand Key Park in West Florida gets really fun in the winter-time, and early mornings can be a blast after a big windy cold front.  Often, after the winds blow from the northwest for a while, it changes direction, and begins to blow from the northeast.  When it blows from the northeast the wind blows right into the curl of the waves.  The northeast wind helps the curl maintain its shape while it breaks, it helps it stay hollow.  These are the days at Sand Key when your most likely to find a make-able barrel, it’s a good time to get tubed.

Raymond Hess about to get barrelled at Sand Key Park

Warm Front in Texas, Cold Front in West Florida: Published:03/26/17

Texas is in for the best surf of the region in the coming week.  Mid-day on Wednesday the swell begins to rise to the 9-12 foot mark, biggest by evening, this of course accompanied by 25 knot winds.  First thing Thursday morning the swell will be dropping.  After noon the wave heights remain about the same, and by evening the winds will go offshore.

There is a pre-front front coming to the southeast in a couple days opening the door for the second front, another west Florida wave-maker.  The first will stall just north of West FloridaContinue reading Warm Front in Texas, Cold Front in West Florida: Published:03/26/17

Honeymoon Island State Park: This beach weather calls for Surfing!

These pictures are from after 3pm this afternoon in between the second and third t-groins at the north end of the park.  It was perfect beach weather.  The waves started out small, but as the tide started to push in and the swell started to rise, the surf grew, and became quite fun.  The beach wasn’t very crowded, which really makes the time at the beach that much more enjoyable. Continue reading Honeymoon Island State Park: This beach weather calls for Surfing!