3:30pm: I rolled up to the beach. Right behind me in came a car and an FWC officer pulling a teenager over. Apparently he had blown right through a stop sign according to the park staff making the accusation. The officer couldn’t write him a ticket because he didn’t see it happen, he said. They got off with a warning. I chatted with the park staff. At least one was a certified botonist (plant specialist). They said the small bush that looks like a smaller palm like the sabal, but doesn’t look like one, was in fact a sabal, and that the average growth size was just above bush size. The full tree sized trees aren’t the normal size. Interesting, right? I said, “I could have sworn those have been the same size since I’ve been coming here.” They said, there are many different varieties of sabal palm. Another interesting fun fact: the sabal palm is classified as a grass. The surf is small. It’s rideable. It’s consistently knee high. The storm might pass soon. Low tide is at sunset. Go surfing.