These groins are really ineffective. I forgot, what side is the sand supposed to be collecting on? (Sarcasm) It’s hard to believe that another set of these is being placed on St Pete Beach as I write this. It’s just so sad that millions of dollars are going into wrecking the beach aesthetic. What ignorant, useless contraption will the county and state decide to spend millions of our money on next?! We should start a petition to get structures on the beach that we actually want there. What would you do with the 10 million dollars?

As I have to agree with Carmine on this as I have surfed Honeymoon since the 80’s. If they are considering the old style T-Groins that totally messed not only the break but the astethics of St Pete’s best beach break I am totally against that as they Did Nothing to help. I am ALSO against naming surf breaks and when they get good, as this increases the crowds even more. Please No Names.
I love the T-Groins! They have helped create a legitimate surf break in northern Pinellas County…I’ve surfed Honeymoon Island since the early 1990’s and as far as I’m concerned, it’s the best it’s ever been. It appears that the sand is shifting further down the beach from the north end to the south…the Dog Beach is starting to really turn on during S,SW and W swells too. How it will effect St. Pete, I don’t know but I love how the T-Groins have re-shaped the wave at the north end of Honeymoon Island!