Tag Archives: Clearwater Beach

Clearwater’s Cold Stunned Sea Turtles

          A Sea Turtle is an air breathing reptile who lives and thrives in the Gulf of Mexico, not to mention the waters all over the world.   The turtle is a large shelled creature who uses it’s shell as protection for its soft body.  The shell is made up of many bones covered with horny scales, also known as scoots.  They have no teeth, but very strong jaws.  There are seven species of endangered sea turtles, the green turtle, hawksbill, leatherback, loggerhead, olive ridley, Kemp’s ridley, and flatback.  The majority of these species of sea turtle are found in the waters off Florida.  Only the olive ridley and flatback are not. Sea turtles grow very slowly, and live for decades.

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Clearwater Gallery – Wed. Feb. 10, 2016

Around mid-day the surf was fun.  High tide peaked and swell continued to pump into the beaches.  The conditions became a bit trickier as the tide began to draw out, but wonkyness can be overcome by consistently choosing the ones that line up along the sandbar.  The high tide and the following hours were the warmest portion of this cold day.  Overall, fun surf continued to pulse throughout the day, and into the evening.  The conditions coincided with the brisk onshore winds.  Surf should continue into tomorrow. Continue reading Clearwater Gallery – Wed. Feb. 10, 2016

Rodrigo Cahu at The Key


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