Tag Archives: Clearwater Surfing Videos

Dawn Patrol

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QS Competitor Rodrigo Cahu

Rodrigo Cahu managed some tricky sections with power and grace on his Brazilian shaped MR surfboard.  Rodrigo is entered in the Qualifying Series event at Cocoa Beach (a QS 1000), the Ron Jon Vans Pro.  This is the only QS event in Florida. He is currently seeded in round 80. If he keeps surfing like he did when we shot this video, he is sure to smoke the competition. If you get over for this contest root him on. Continue reading QS Competitor Rodrigo Cahu

January Surfing Video

Surf on this January afternoon was firing into the sandbars of this Clearwater Beach surf spot. As usual the lineup was more thickly populated than most other surfing spots in the state. Many of the Clearwater Beach locals, and a Brazilian ripper are featured in this video. They absolutely crush the waves at this punchy beachbreak.